Ten years after the Great Tokyo War, each prefecture in Japan has split up into independent nations. Each nation is ruled by a prophet called "Mosa" and an army called "Mob" as they start to compete to take over other countries. Four "Mob" girls from the Saitama clan, Nozomi, Yukina, Ai, and Chiaya, are ordered by their "Mosa" to travel around Japan riding their motorcycles to mediate multiple battles between nations and clans as they emerge.
Rolling☆Girls: Chibi☆Rolling☆Girls Korokoro Gekijou
Short specials included with the Blu-rays and DVDs.
Japanese : TVアニメ「ちび☆ローリング☆ガールズ」コロコロ劇場
English : Rolling☆Girls: Chibi☆Rolling☆Girls Korokoro Gekijou
Type : Special
Episodes : 12
Producers : Wit Studio
Genres : Slice of Life
Duration : 2 min. per episode
Japanese : TVアニメ「ちび☆ローリング☆ガールズ」コロコロ劇場
English : Rolling☆Girls: Chibi☆Rolling☆Girls Korokoro Gekijou
Type : Special
Episodes : 12
Producers : Wit Studio
Genres : Slice of Life
Duration : 2 min. per episode
List :
★Episode 01 :#1 Special Move
#2 Nickname
Download:★Episode 02 :
#3 I Can't Hear You
#4 Sorting Duty