Hibike! Euphonium
The story revolves around Haruki and his four sisters: Mutsuki, Yayoi, Uzuki, and Satsuki. While their life may seem monotonous—aside from the fact that Haruki's sisters don't give him a single opportunity to rest, lecturing him about every perceived mistake and playing tricks on him—Haruki still likes his life.
Million Doll
Million Doll revolves around Suuko, an idol-loving hikikomori (shut-in) who has one ability: To make any idol popular through the power of blogging. She puts her sights on the Fukuoka idol Itorio and tries to make her sell more, but she is impeded by the charismatic idol Ryuu-san and the underground idol Mariko.
The story centers around the activities of Wakaba Kohashi, "a slightly out-of-tune super" daughter of a well-to-do family, and her friends. Wakaba (literally, "young leaves") looks like an elegant rich daughter, but she admires the trendy gyaru fashion subculture. There is also the pure, innocent, fairy-tale-like Moeko. Mao is capricious and behaves in her own way. Nao used to be an athletic type of girl, but now loves the boys-love genre.
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